Heavy Metals In Cannabis
Cannabis Heavy Metals Testing Information
Heavy metals are a health concern for any cannabis consumer or producer. Testing for metals in cannabis is especially important for a few reasons. First of all, cannabis is an "accumulator plant" that readily absorbs heavy metals from the soil. Secondly, heavy metals found in cannabis can sometimes be concentrated by certain extraction and purification processes. Thirdly, since cannabis is often inhaled, the presence of heavy metals can increase the potential for toxic absorption. Lastly, cannabis users are often medical patients who may be even more susceptible to toxic exposure. For these reasons, cannabis heavy metals testing is commonly required. The most common metals tested for in cannabis products are mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and lead, although others are sometimes tested for as well.

The lab-testing tool for heavy metals is an Inductively Coupled - Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), which is able to quickly test cannabis and hemp samples for multiple metals at once down to sub-PPB levels. Testing for heavy metals is not as straightforward as testing for cannabinoids, terpenes, or solvents. Nonetheless, it is an essential analysis to protect cannabis consumers.
Contact Us for Expert Guidance in Heavy Metals Cannabis Testing
Contact us for expert assistance in choosing the right solution for your needs. No two businesses are the same and neither are any two testing solutions. Analytical Instrument Management will work with you to find the best fit for your needs, budget, and experience level.
All AIM heavy metals testing solutions come with installation, support, and warranty. Custom methods and training solutions are also available. As your go-to source for high-quality refurbished laboratory equipment, we’ll ensure the safety of your cannabis products through reliable heavy metals testing.
Equipment/Testing Method Matrix
Quick Reference Table

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